In 2016, our soccer teams (Selam & Maranatha) came together around the love we have for the game and our Eritrean heritage. 


Our Mission

What started as a friendly but competitive weekly games of soccer quickly turned into a brotherhood of respect and love. We all came from different circumstances and we noticed quickly that out of closeness came strength. We didn't want to contain this powerful mutual love just between us and felt called to reach out to every Eritrean within the Chicagoland area regardless of any political, religious or ethnic differences. 

Our goal is tell every Eritrean "you are not alone." We are one family.  We will support, consult, network and advocate for one another. Are you in High school in need of some guidance, we gotcha! Are you looking for a job in a specific area or field? We will network within out membership and connect you with someone in your chosen field. Do you have a need and/or a gift? Everyone is welcome.

Let's make Chicago,

a powerful hub where we can all benefit from one another! 

Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a network for an adult to reach his/her maximum potential.

What We've Achieved

  • Helped homeless Eritreans find a home and jobs so they can be independent
  • Assisted people with disabilities access transportation and financial aid
  • Provided free driving lessons
  • Gave an educational seminar on:
    • How to select a school and major
    • Vocational options
    • Financial aid
    • Time management